Telehealth FAQ

Below you will see some of the more frequently asked questions about our telehealth services.  You may find your answer there.  If not, feel free to contact us.

What is telehealth?

Telehealth refers to the use of telecommunication technologies to deliver healthcare services remotely.  Telehealth typically involves using a videoconference platform to facilitate provider and patient interaction.

Is telehealth secure?

Yes, telehealth is a secure healthcare delivery medium.  The technology used to deliver telehealth services complies with the federal criteria outlined in the HIPAA Act.  The technology does not collect any protected healthcare information, nor does it record or store any of the telehealth session content.

What else can I do to protect my privacy?

You can take additional measures to protect your own privacy, including the following:

  • Use a password-protected WiFi network.
  • Position yourself in a space where you can be alone
  • Use headphones to prevent audio from being projected

What kind of device will I need for telehealth?

You can use any device with a web browser, a camera, and headphones - computers, tablets and smartphones are sufficient.

Can I receive telehealth services from anywhere?

To receive telehealth services from a Family Counseling Associates provider, you must hold a residence in the state of Indiana.  Your physical location at the time of the telehealth session can vary.

Will my insurance cover telehealth?

Insurance coverage varies by payer and plan.  Many insurance companies have evolved to cover telehealth, and the state of Indiana has enacted a parity law for the reimbursement of telehealth services.

How do I make an appointment for telehealth?

You can make an appointment for a telehealth session by contacting our office directly and asking to schedule with one of our providers.

Will my provider for telehealth services change?

No, you will meet with the same telehealth provider for every session.

How do I pay for my telehealth services?

You can make a payment for your telehealth services on our website here.

What hours are telehealth services available?

Telehealth appointments vary by provider, but typically cover a range of daytime hours.  You must have a scheduled appointment with your provider for telehealth services.

Are telehealth services available in a crisis?

Anyone experiencing an emergency should dial 911 or go to their local emergency department.  Telehealth sessions are available with providers by appointment only.

How do I access my telehealth appointment?

Once you have a telehealth appointment scheduled, you will receive instructions from our office staff via email about how to begin your appointment.