Looking for ways to get the most out of your telehealth experience?
Great! Check out the five tips below for a smooth start.
Tip 1. Getting Situated
First, you'll want to find a space that feels private and quiet. Next, consider if the space you've chosen allows for a strong WiFi signal (more on that below). Finally, check the lighting in your environment and try to face the brightest light source so that your face is well illuminated.
Tip 2. The Gear
For your telehealth session, you can use any device that has a web browser, camera and microphone. Close all other programs or apps that are running on your device. You'll likely need an internet speed of at least 10 mbps for a good video connection. If you don't know how to test your internet speed, you can do so easily on Google Chrome here. If you can't get a strong enough signal over WiFi, consider connecting directly to your router with an Ethernet cable. Lastly, consider using headphones to improve the privacy of your session, and to reduce audio feedback.
Tip 3. Testing Your Look
Your telehealth session gives you the opportunity to meet face-to-face with your provider online, and making good eye contact with your device's camera is important. Set your device's camera at eye level, maintain a good distance from the camera, and try to avoid sudden or excessive movement. Also, use this as a time to test the lighting in the environment as described in Tip 1.
Tip 4. Starting Your Session
You will receive an email with an invitation to your telehealth session and instructions about how to join the session. Once you have joined the session, your provider will greet you in the virtual "waiting room" and the session will begin.
Tip 5. Trouble-shooting
If you're having trouble connecting with your provider during the telehealth session, the "chat" feature is a good way to exchange messages with your provider (e.g. "I can see you, but I'm having trouble hearing you."). If for some reason the signal fails and the session in interrupted, your provider will follow-up with you by phone or email.
Now that doesn't sound so hard, does it? Many people are surprised at just how easy a telehealth session can be. We look forward to meeting with you soon!